Payment Method

Payment by Paypal

You can make payment by Paypal system: in this case, payment is made through our partner. Paypal's general conditions of use will apply.

With PayPal you can send online payments quickly and securely.
Via PayPal you can pay with a credit card, debit card or bank account balance.
3. Once your order is submitted, you will be redirected to the PayPal website where you can make payment.
Benefits of using PayPal
Payment is traceable. You can track the status of your payment using your PayPal account. does not receive your credit card number or banking information (they are securely encrypted via PayPal's server), which limits the risk of unauthorized use.

Payment by credit card

You can pay by credit card - Visa, Maestro, Mastercard: in this case, payment is made on the website of our partner, one of the secure payment platforms. This implies that no banking information concerning you passes through the site. Payment by credit card is therefore perfectly secure. Your order will be recorded as soon as payment is accepted by the banking service. You can pay online with complete confidence by entering the number, expiration date of your credit card and the security code found on the back of your card in the spaces provided for this purpose.

It is undoubtedly the safest, fastest and most reliable way for you to pay for your order.

Your credit card details are encrypted using the SSL3 (Secure Socket Layer) protocol and are never transmitted unencrypted over the internet. Payment is made directly to the bank. has under no circumstances access to these contact details, and does not store them on its servers.

Note: If you have any questions about your payment, please don't hesitate to contact us at