4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her
4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her

4 Names-Personalized Kid Charms Bangle Adjustable Bracelet With Names Customized 4 Birthstones Gift for Her

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This is a classic children's charms bangle bracelet and a great gift for Mother/Grandma💕.

This bracelet can be customized with 1-5 names and birthstones, According to the gender of the child, you can choose boys or girls to customize, and the kid charms can be customized with names. The matching design of the birthstone undoubtedly adds a new bright spot to the bracelet.

This bracelet can be adjusted to a suitable length. Mum or grandma will definitely be pleasantly surprised when they receive this amazing gift.

We offer 1 to 5 kid charms to choose from. If you need to customize more than 5 names, please feel free to contact us to purchase other charms.

More Details:

  • Material: Alloy
  • Perimeter: 7.87"-9.45"(20-24cm)
  • Gift for: Girlfriend, Wife, Sister, Mother, Best friend, Grandmother, Family
  • Product Type: Customized Women's Bangle, Child Charm Bangle With Names And Birthstones, Best Gift For Her

The bracelet is perfect for daily use, beach, wedding, or any special day, adding an effortless beauty touch to your look.

The design of this bracelet which is concise and elegant is a great present for anniversary day, Valentine's Day, Birthday, Christmas Day, wedding, and Mother's Day.

✔️ Guarantee:
-100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
-90-Day Money-Back & Return Guarantee.

WHY Jessemade.co.uk

  • Hand-Picked, Top the Line Products 
  • Tracking number for every order
  • Real people on our internet helpdesks
  • Unique Selection You Absolutely Cannot Find in Stores
  • All payment transactions (Debit/Credit Card) are secured via Paypal's Buyer Protection Security

Free Shipping Over £49

Delivery Time = Handcraft Time + Shipping Time

Handcraft Time:

  • Birthstone Jewelry/Engraving Jewelry: 3 Working Days
  • Name Necklace/Bracelet/Rings: 5 - 8 Working Days
  • Other Personalized Item: 2 - 3 Working Days

Shipping Time:


7 – 12 Business Days   
Delivery Price:£4.99


7 – 12 Business Days   
Delivery Price:£5.99


8 – 15 Business Days   
Delivery Price:£9.99

  • Australia

7 – 15 Business Days   
Delivery Price:£4.99


6 – 12 Business Days   
Delivery Price:£5.99

  • Germany Europe GERMANY

7 – 12 Business Days   
Delivery Price:£5.99

Please Note: The shipping times do not include handcraft time. All items are made to order and take 2-8 business days to manufacture.

If your order has not arrived within the estimated delivery time, please contact our friendly customer service: support@jessemade.co.uk

Track Order

You will receive an email with a tracking number confirming that your order has been dispatched and you can track your order via this link:


Please note: It may take several days for tracking information to be updated.


    A wide array of gift ideas for any occasion


    Wide range of customization options to make it one-and-only

    ✔️Free Shipping Over £49

    Free shipping on all orders over £49 in the store.

    ✔️Quality Assurance

    Our Guarantee: We choose the best raw materials for each piece of jewelry, to make sure you receive the perfect product.

    ✔️90-Day Money-Back Guarantee

    If your items arrive damaged or become defective within 30 days of normal usage, we will gladly issue a replacement or refund.

    ✔️100% Secure Payment

    Safe & Secure Checkouts: We use state-of-the-art SSL Secure encryption to keep your personal and financial information 100% protected.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Why didn't I receive the email

    Your email may be in your junk. If you do not receive the email after placing the order, please check the junk in your mailbox.

    How long will my order take to be dispatched

    2-8 business days. Some items are custom, however, and may take slightly longer during the holidays.

    How long will my order take to arrive

    Usually, shipping time takes 7~12 working days to arrive after dispatch. During rush days, please estimate extra 5 business days more than usual.

    When will my package arrive

    As soon as the package has been sent, you will receive a shipping confirmation from us by email. There you will also find one or more tracking numbers that you can use to track the current status of your package. There is also the time at which the parcel is expected to be delivered. If the parcel delivery service does not find you at home, you can use the tracking function to see whether the parcel has been handed into a neighbor or a branch, for example.

    What are your return conditions

    We support 90-day returns without reason, freight must be paid by the buyer.

    Please note that custom items cannot be returned or refunded unless they arrive damaged or defective. Custom items are made specifically to your specifications and cannot be resold.

    Why did My payment fail

    Credit card payments fail for the following reasons: insufficient funds; purchase not authorized by the card owner; incorrect account/billing details; or expired credit card. If none of these issues apply, please contact customer service with your order number, name, and email address and we will email your invoice to assist in processing your order.

    What payment methods are available on your website

    We accept all major credit cards and payments made through PayPal.